kill themselvesの検索結果 |
74件 検索結果一覧を見る |
kill themselves の意味・使い方・読み方
kill themselves
→ kill oneself
kill themselvesを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 74件
kill themselves because one can't pay back one's loan
→ kill oneself because one can't pay back one's loan -
kill themselves by drinking rat poison
→ kill oneself by drinking rat poison -
kill themselves by hanging
→ kill oneself by hanging -
kill themselves by jumping off a building
→ kill oneself by jumping off a building -
kill themselves by leaping from the top of a high-rise condominium
→ kill oneself by leaping from the top of a high-rise condominium -
kill themselves by shooting himelf in the head
→ kill oneself by shooting himelf in the head -
kill themselves by smoking
→ kill oneself by smoking -
kill themselves deliberately
→ kill oneself intentionally|kill oneself deliberately|kill oneself willfully
【表現パターン】kill themselves intentionally [deliberately, willfully] -
kill themselves in
→ kill oneself in -
kill themselves in despair
→ kill oneself in despair -
kill themselves intentionally
→ kill oneself intentionally|kill oneself deliberately|kill oneself willfully
【表現パターン】kill themselves intentionally [deliberately, willfully] -
kill themselves laughing
→ kill oneself laughing -
kill themselves to
→ kill oneself to -
kill themselves to expiate one's crime
→ kill oneself to expiate one's crime -
kill themselves to meet the deadline
→ kill oneself to meet the deadline -
kill themselves willfully
→ kill oneself intentionally|kill oneself deliberately|kill oneself willfully
【表現パターン】kill themselves intentionally [deliberately, willfully] -
kill themselves with a gun
→ kill oneself with a gun -
kill themselves with fire
→ kill oneself with fire -
attempting to kill themselves
→ attempting to kill oneself -
choose to kill themselves
→ choose to kill oneself -
pretend to kill themselves
→ pretend to kill oneself -
try to kill themselves
→ try to kill oneself -
want to kill themselves
→ want to kill oneself -
attempt unsuccessfully to kill themselves
→ attempt unsuccessfully to kill oneself -
those who want to kill themselves
→ those who want to kill oneself -
desperate enough to try to kill themselves
→ desperate enough to try to kill oneself -
have no choice but to kill themselves
→ have no choice but to kill oneself -
jump off a building and kill themselves
→ jump off a building and kill oneself -
person who has attempted to kill themselves
→ person who has attempted to kill oneself -
kill someone before killing themselves
→ kill someone before killing oneself|kill someone before committing suicide
【表現パターン】kill someone before killing themselves [committing suicide] -
killing themselves to
→ killing oneself to -
act of killing themselves
→ act of killing oneself -
get diverted from killing themselves
→ get diverted from killing oneself -
almost get themselves killed
→ almost get oneself killed -
kill oneself
自殺{じさつ}する◆(自分{じぶん}が親近感{しんきんかん}を持たない)他人{たにん}が自殺{じさつ}したことを客観的{きゃっかん てき}に述{の}べる場合{ばあい}の表現{ひょうげん}。 -
kill oneself because one cannot pay back one's loan
→ kill oneself because one can't pay back one's loan -
kill oneself because one can't pay back one's loan
借金苦{しゃっきん く}で[借りたお金を返済{へんさい}することができず]自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself by drinking rat poison
殺{ころ}そ剤{ざい}を飲んで自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself by hanging
首つり自殺{じさつ}をする -
kill oneself by jumping off a building
飛び降{お}り自殺{じさつ}をする、建物{たてもの}から飛び降{お}りて自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself by leaping from the top of a high-rise condominium
高層{こうそう}マンションの屋上{おくじょう}から飛び降{お}り自殺{じさつ}をする -
kill oneself by shooting himelf in the head
〔拳銃{けんじゅう}で〕自ら頭を撃{う}って自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself by smoking
喫煙{きつえん}によって命を落とす -
kill oneself by taking poison
【表現パターン】commit suicide [kill oneself] by taking poison -
kill oneself deliberately
意図的{いと てき}[故意{こい}]に自殺{じさつ}する
【表現パターン】kill oneself intentionally [deliberately, willfully] -
kill oneself in
~の理由{りゆう}で自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself in despair
絶望{ぜつぼう}して自殺{じさつ}する -
kill oneself intentionally
意図的{いと てき}[故意{こい}]に自殺{じさつ}する
【表現パターン】kill oneself intentionally [deliberately, willfully] -
kill oneself laughing
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