glue togetherの検索結果 |
11件 検索結果一覧を見る |
glue togetherを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 11件
glue ~ together
〔膠などで〕~を接着{せっちゃく}[接合{せつごう}]する -
glue these 2 together
→ glue these two together -
glue these two together
これら二つ[こことここ]をのりで貼{は}り合わせる -
glue that binds ~ together
《a ~》~をつなげる接着剤{せっちゃく ざい} -
act as a glue that binds ~ together
~をつなげる接着剤{せっちゃく ざい}の役割{やくわり}をする[果たす]
【表現パターン】act [serve, function, play a role] as a glue that binds ~ together -
glue 2 pieces of wood together
→ glue two pieces of wood together -
glue two pieces of wood together
2個{こ}の木片{もくへん}をくっ付ける -
with one's legs glued together