bashの検索結果 |
131件 検索結果一覧を見る |
bash の変化形 | bashes , bashing , bashed |
bash の意味・使い方・読み方
【他動】- 〔~を〕ぶつける、強く打つ、強打{きょうだ}する、殴{なぐ}りつける
- 〔~に〕夢中{むちゅう}になり過{す}ぎる、溺{おぼ}れる
- 〔~を〕強く[激{はげ}しく]非難{ひなん}する
- 強打{きょうだ}
- 〈話〉にぎやかな[盛大{せいだい}な]パーティー[イベント]
- 〈英豪俗〉試み
該当件数 : 131件
bash ~ for political purposes
政治目的{せいじ もくてき}で~を強く[激{はげ}しく]非難{ひなん}する -
bash a door down
ドアをたたき壊{こわ}す -
bash about
〔人・物を〕乱暴{らんぼう}に扱{あつか}う -
bash about sensitive-inner parts
内面{ないめん}の繊細{せんさい}な部分{ぶぶん}を傷{きず}つける[虐待{ぎゃくたい}する] -
bash away
- 強く打つ、バンバンとたたく
・Consisting of a wooden board with 5 pegs and a hammer, children can bash away to their hearts' content. : 木の板に留{と}めくぎが5個{こ}とハンマーが1本ついていますので、子どもたちは心ゆくまでバンバンとたたくことができます。
- 強く非難{ひなん}する、悪口{わるぐち}を言う
・Let them bash away. In the end all they do is humiliate themselves. : 彼らに悪口{わるぐち}を言わせなさい。結局彼らがやっていることは自分{じぶん}を辱{はずかし}めていることなのだから。
- 強く打つ、バンバンとたたく
bash away at
- ~を強く打つ、~をバンバンとたたく
・Forget about punctuation, meaning and grammar and just bash away at [on] the keyboard. : 句読点{くとうてん}や意味{いみ}や文法{ぶんぽう}は忘{わす}れてとにかくキーボードをたたきなさい。
【表現パターン】bash away at [on]
- ~を強く非難{ひなん}する、~の悪口{わるぐち}を言う
・Please use this chat room to bash away at [on] each other to your hearts' content. : お互{たが}いに心ゆくまで悪口{わるぐち}を言うのにこのチャット・ルームをどうぞご利用{りよう}ください。
【表現パターン】bash away at [on]
- ~を強く打つ、~をバンバンとたたく
bash in
・Someone bashed his skull in. : 誰{だれ}かが彼の頭を思い切り殴{なぐ}った。
・If you'd have touched me I'd have bashed your face in. : もし俺{おれ}に触{さわ}ってたらボコボコにしてたよ。 -
bash on
〈英俗〉頑張{がんば}り続ける -
bash on with
~をドンドンやる -
bash one's head against
~に頭をガンガン[バンバン]ぶつける -
bash one's head against a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head against a stone wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [against] a stone wall -
bash one's head against a wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash one's head against the brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head against the wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head on a stone wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [against] a stone wall -
bash one's head on a wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash one's head on the brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head on the wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash one's head up against a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head up against a wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash one's head up against the brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] brick wall -
bash one's head up against the wall
= bang one's head on a brick wall
【表現パターン】bang [knock, beat, hit, slam, bash, ram, bump] one's head on [(up) against] a [the] wall -
bash someone against a wall
(人)を壁{かべ}に激{はげ}しくたたき付ける -
bash someone to death
(人)を殴{なぐ}り殺{ころ}す -
bash the bishop
マスターベーションする、マスをかく、オナニーをする、自慰行為{じい こうい}をする◆【語源】司教{しきょう}(bishop)が頭にかぶる冠と亀頭{きとう}の形が似{に}ているところから -
bash the phones
電話{でんわ}をかけまくる -
bash up
- 〔物を〕たたき壊{こわ}す
- 〔人を〕ぶちのめす
bash up a car
車をぶつけてつぶす -
besties bash
〈話〉ベスティーズ・バッシュ◆親友{しんゆう}たちとの盛大{せいだい}なパーティー◆【参考】besties ; bash -
birthday bash
〈俗〉にぎやかな[盛大{せいだい}な]誕生日{たんじょうび}パーティー -
bish bash bosh
【副】- → bish-bash-bosh
【副】- 〈英俗〉てきぱきと、どんどん、速く
blogger bash
《イ》ブロガーの集会{しゅうかい} -
→ earbash -
end-of-the-year bash
【表現パターン】end-of-the-year party [bash] -
fund-raising bash
《a ~》〈俗〉〔政党{せいとう}などの〕資金集{しきん あつ}めの盛大{せいだい}なパーティー -
victory bash
勝利{しょうり}を祝うどんちゃん騒{さわ}ぎ、祝勝{しゅくしょう}パーティー -
wedding bash
盛大{せいだい}な結婚{けっこん}披露宴{ひろうえん}[パーティー] -
attend a bash thrown by
【表現パターン】attend a bash [party] thrown by -
have a bash
〈英俗〉試しにやってみる -
have a bash at
〈英俗〉~を試しにやってみる -
on the bash
〈英俗〉売春婦{ばいしゅんふ}をして -
organise a bash
〈英〉→ organize a bash -
organize a bash
〈俗〉盛大{せいだい}なパーティーを開催{かいさい}する -
give it a bash
【表現パターン】give it a try [trial, bash, buck, burl, fly, tumble, whirl] -
throw a holiday bash
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