wife ofの検索結果 |
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wife ofを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 43件
wife of __ years
《one's ~》_年連れ添{そ}った妻{つま} -
wife of a crown prince
《the ~》皇太子妃{こうたいし ひ}◆英国以外{えいこく いがい}の国の王または王妃{おうひ}の娘◆【参考】Princess of Wales -
wife of a mob member
極道{ごくどう}の妻{つま} -
wife of California governor
カリフォルニア州知事夫人{しゅう ちじ ふじん} -
wife of Egyptian ambassador to Japan
在日{ざいにち}エジプト大使夫人{たいし ふじん} -
wife of leisure
《a ~》有閑夫人{ゆうかん ふじん} -
wife of many years
《one's ~》長年{ながねん}連れ添{そ}った妻{つま}、古女房{ふるにょうぼう} -
wife of one's bosom
愛妻{あいさい} -
wife of the late
【表現パターン】wife [husband] of the late -
1st wife of __ years
→ first wife of __ years -
first wife of __ years
《one's ~》_年を共にした最初{さいしょ}の妻{つま} -
become the wife of
~の妻{つま}となる -
fall in love with the wife of
(人)の妻{つま}と恋に落ちる -
let one's ex-wife have custody of the kids
子どもたちの親権{しんけん}を元の妻{つま}に渡{わた}す -
status of wife
妻{つま}の座{ざ} -
acquaintance of my wife
《an ~》私の妻{つま}の知人{ちじん}の一人{ひとり} -
suicide of a wife
妻{つま}の自殺{じさつ} -
let go of one's wife
妻{つま}を忘{わす}れる[手放{てばな}す・への思いを捨{す}て去る] -
cry over the loss of one's wife
妻{つま}の死を嘆{なげ}く[に対して泣く] -
get over the death of one's wife
妻{つま}の死を乗り越{こ}える -
grief following the death of one's wife
妻{つま}を亡{な}くした[の死による]悲しみ -
relationship of husband and wife
夫婦関係{ふうふ かんけい} -
think of someone's poor wife
(人)の哀{あわ}れな[不幸{ふこう}な]妻{つま}のことを思う -
youngest child of someone's __ wife
《the ~》(人)の_番目{ばんめ}の妻{つま}が産んだ末っ子◆__には序数{じょすう}が入る。 -
under the control of a domineering wife
女房{にょうぼう}の尻{しり}に敷{し}かれて -
mention someone in front of his ex-wife
前妻{ぜんさい}の前で(人)の話をする -
love of a husband and wife
夫婦愛{ふうふ あい} -
treatment of someone's de facto wife
(人)の事実婚{じじつこん}の妻{つま}への待遇{たいぐう}[に対する扱{あつか}い] -
fall out of love with one's wife
妻{つま}への愛情{あいじょう}が冷める、妻{つま}を裏切{うらぎ}る -
share the pressures of parenthood with one's wife
妻{つま}と親としての重圧{じゅうあつ}[責任{せきにん}・苦悩{くのう}]を分かち合う -
based on the principle of equality and equal rights between husband and wife
《be ~》夫婦{ふうふ}が同等{どうとう}および平等{びょうどう}の権利{けんり}を有することに基礎{きそ}を置く -
based upon the principle of equality and equal rights between husband and wife
→ based on the principle of equality and equal rights between husband and wife -
rooted the standard model of a salaried employee husband and a full-time homemaker wife
《be ~》〔ある制度{せいど}が〕サラリーマンの夫と専業主婦{せんぎょう しゅふ}の妻{つま}を標準的{ひょうじゅん てき}なモデルとしている -
get in the way of wifely duties
【表現パターン】get [stand] in the way of wifely duties -
abandonment of one's wifely duties
【表現パターン】abdication [abandonment, dereliction] of one's wifely duties -
because of one's wife's delivery
妻{つま}の出産{しゅっさん}のために[を理由{りゆう}に] -
dereliction of one's wifely duties
【表現パターン】abdication [abandonment, dereliction] of one's wifely duties -
fulfillment of one's wifely duties
妻{つま}としての責務{せきむ}の遂行{すいこう} -
fulfilment of one's wifely duties
〈英〉→ fulfillment of one's wifely duties -
know nothing of one's wife's daytime habits
妻{つま}の昼間{ひるま}の習慣{しゅうかん}[習癖{しゅうへき}]について何も知らない、妻{つま}が昼間何{ひるま なに}をしているのか全く知らない -
children of someone's current wife's previous marriage