uncomfortable withの検索結果 |
67件 検索結果一覧を見る |
uncomfortable with の意味・使い方・読み方
uncomfortable with
《be ~》~に窮屈{きゅうくつ}な思いをする、~に困惑{こんわく}する、~に不快感{ふかいかん}を覚える
uncomfortable withを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 67件
uncomfortable with change
《be ~》変化{へんか}に対し不快感{ふかいかん}を抱いている -
uncomfortable with sex
《be ~》セックスに不快感{ふかいかん}を覚える、セックスが楽しくない
・If you are uncomfortable with sex, it's bound to surface sooner or later. : セックスが楽しくないなら、相手{あいて}はいつか自然{しぜん}とそのことに気付{きづ}く。◆性的表現 -
uncomfortable with someone's involvement in
《be ~》(人)が~に関係{かんけい}[関与{かんよ}]していることを不快{ふかい}に感じる[に不快感{ふかいかん}を抱く] -
uncomfortable with someone's line of questioning
《be ~》(人)の一連{いちれん}の質問{しつもん}に困惑{こんわく}する[まごつく] -
uncomfortable with watching
《be ~》~を見るのが不快{ふかい}である -
become uncomfortable with
~で気分{きぶん}が悪くなる -
feel uncomfortable with
- ~と一緒{いっしょ}にいると居心地{いごこち}が悪い[落ち着かない]、~に居心地{いごこち}の悪さを感じる
- ~を不快{ふかい}に思う[感じる]、~に違和感{いわかん}を覚える
feel uncomfortable with foreigners
外国人{がいこくじん}と一緒{いっしょ}にいると落ち着かない -
feel uncomfortable with silence
沈黙{ちんもく}に不安{ふあん}を覚える -
feel uncomfortable with someone's involvement in
(人)が~に関係{かんけい}[関与{かんよ}]していることを不快{ふかい}に感じる[に不快感{ふかいかん}を抱く] -
feel uncomfortable with the term
(~という)言葉遣{ことば づか}いに戸惑{とまど}う -
very uncomfortable with both
《be ~ A and B》AもBも両方{りょうほう}とも極めて不愉快{ふゆかい}に感じる -
have an uncomfortable conversation with
(人)と気まずい[気詰{きづ}まりな]会話{かいわ}をする -
uncomfortable symptoms associated with haemorrhoids
〈英〉→ uncomfortable symptoms associated with hemorrhoids -
uncomfortable symptoms associated with hemorrhoids
痔に伴{ともな}う不快{ふかい}な症状{しょうじょう} -
with uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】with [through] (one's) uncomfortable eyes -
man with uncomfortable eyes
→ person with uncomfortable eyes -
person with uncomfortable eyes
《a ~》気まずそうな[ばつの悪そうな]目をした[している]人 -
woman with uncomfortable eyes
→ person with uncomfortable eyes -
observe ~ with uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】observe ~ with [through] an uncomfortable eye [(one's) uncomfortable eyes] -
watch ~ with uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】watch ~ with [through] an uncomfortable eye [(one's) uncomfortable eyes] -
look at ~ with uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】look at ~ with [through] an uncomfortable eye [(one's) uncomfortable eyes] -
stare at ~ with uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】stare at ~ with [through] an uncomfortable eye [(one's) uncomfortable eyes] -
with an uncomfortable expression
【表現パターン】with an uncomfortable look [expression] (on one's face) -
with an uncomfortable eye
【表現パターン】with [through] an uncomfortable eye -
with an uncomfortable face
気まずそうな[ばつの悪そうな]顔をして -
with an uncomfortable feeling
不快感{ふかいかん}を持って[抱いて] -
with an uncomfortable look
【表現パターン】with an uncomfortable look [expression] (on one's face) -
with an uncomfortable tone
【表現パターン】in [with] an uncomfortable tone (of voice) -
with an uncomfortable voice
【表現パターン】in [with] an uncomfortable voice -
with one's uncomfortable eyes
【表現パターン】with [through] (one's) uncomfortable eyes -
awaken with an uncomfortable feeling
不快感{ふかいかん}で目覚{めざ}める -
cope with an uncomfortable feeling
不快感{ふかいかん}に対処{たいしょ}する -
deal with an uncomfortable feeling
不快感{ふかいかん}に対処{たいしょ}する -
filled with an uncomfortable feeling
《be ~》不快感{ふかいかん}でいっぱいである -
man with an uncomfortable face
→ person with an uncomfortable face -
man with an uncomfortable look on one's face
→ person with an uncomfortable look on one's face -
person with an uncomfortable expression on one's face
《a ~》気まずそうな[ばつの悪そうな]顔(つき)[表情{ひょうじょう}・面持{おもも}ち]をしている人
【表現パターン】person with an uncomfortable look [expression] on one's face -
person with an uncomfortable face
《a ~》気まずそうな[ばつの悪そうな]顔をした[している]人 -
person with an uncomfortable look on one's face
《a ~》気まずそうな[ばつの悪そうな]顔(つき)[表情{ひょうじょう}・面持{おもも}ち]をしている人
【表現パターン】person with an uncomfortable look [expression] on one's face -
reply with an uncomfortable expression
【表現パターン】reply with an uncomfortable look [expression] -
reply with an uncomfortable tone
【表現パターン】reply in [with] an uncomfortable tone (of voice) -
reply with an uncomfortable voice
【表現パターン】reply in [with] an uncomfortable voice -
say with an uncomfortable tone
【表現パターン】say in [with] an uncomfortable tone (of voice)
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