several ofの検索結果 |
326件 検索結果一覧を見る |
several ofを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 326件
several of someone's friends
(人)の友人{ゆうじん}のうち数人{すうにん}[何人{なんにん}か] -
several of the member
メンバーの数人{すうにん} -
bring several of one's colleagues to
~に同僚{どうりょう}を数人{すうにん}連{つ}れて来{く}る -
compile several of the pieces that have appeared in the magazine into a book
その雑誌{ざっし}に載{の}った記事{きじ}の幾{いく}つかを1冊{さつ}の本にまとめる -
appear in several of someone's plays
(人)の芝居{しばい}の幾{いく}つかに出演{しゅつえん}する -
fail to land several of one's jumps cleanly
《フィギュアスケート》幾{いく}つかのジャンプで着氷{ちゃくひょう}に失敗{しっぱい}する -
several carloads of
数台{すうだい}の車に乗り込んだ[積み込まれた]~ -
several days of negotiation
数日間{すうじつ かん}にわたる交渉{こうしょう} -
several days of treatment
数日間{すうじつ かん}の治療{ちりょう} -
several forms of bacteria
数種{すうしゅ}の細菌{さいきん} -
several generations of families
数世代{すう せだい}の家族{かぞく} -
several generations of people
幾{いく}つかの世代{せだい}の人々{ひとびと} -
several gigabytes of data
《コ》数ギガバイトのデータ -
several gigabytes of disk space
《コ》数ギガバイトのディスク空{あ}き容量{ようりょう} -
several grams of salt
数グラムの塩 -
several grams of sugar
数グラムの砂糖{さとう} -
several hours of negotiation
数時間{すう じかん}にわたる交渉{こうしょう} -
several hundreds of millions of
数億{すうおく}の -
several hundreds of millions of dollars
数億{すうおく}ドル -
several hundreds of millions of years
数億年{すう おくねん} -
several inches of snow
数インチの積雪{せきせつ} -
several items of clothing
衣類数点{いるい すうてん} -
several layers of
数層{すう そう}の -
several members of the staff
社員{しゃいん}[職員{しょくいん}・スタッフ]のうち数人{すうにん}、数人{すうにん}の社員{しゃいん}[職員{しょくいん}・スタッフ] -
several milliamperes of current
数ミリアンペアの電流{でんりゅう} -
several months of absence
数カ月の不在{ふざい} -
several months of delay
数カ月の遅{おく}れ -
several months of hard work
数カ月の重労働{じゅうろうどう} -
several months of investigation
数カ月の調査{ちょうさ} -
several months of negotiation
数カ月にわたる交渉{こうしょう} -
several months of therapy
数カ月の治療{ちりょう} -
several months of training
数カ月の訓練{くんれん} -
several months of treatment
数カ月の治療{ちりょう} -
several orders of magnitude more
桁{けた}違{ちが}いにもっと~ -
several orders of magnitude more powerful than
《be ~》~よりも桁{けた}違{ちが}いに強力{きょうりょく}である -
several ounces of liquid
数オンスの液体{えきたい} -
several ounces of metal
数オンスの金属{きんぞく} -
several ounces of water
数オンスの水 -
several picoseconds of pulse duration
数ピコ秒のパルス幅{はば} -
several pieces of luggage
幾{いく}つかの旅行{りょこう}かばん[手荷物{てにもつ}] -
several pounds of fruit
数ポンドのフルーツ -
several rounds of funding
複数回{ふくすう かい}にわたる資金調達{しきん ちょうたつ}ラウンド -
several sheets of paper
数枚{すうまい}の紙 -
several species of
~のうちの数種類{すう しゅるい} -
several tens of
数十{すうじゅう}の -
several tens of centimeters
数十{すうじゅう}センチメートル -
several tens of kilometers
数十{すうじゅう}キロメートル -
several tens of liters
数十{すうじゅう}リットル -
several tens of meters
数十{すうじゅう}メートル -
several tens of miles
* データの転載は禁じられています。