relationshipの検索結果 |
12220件 検索結果一覧を見る |
relationship の変化形 | 《複》relationships |
relationship の意味・使い方・読み方
【名】- 関係{かんけい}(性{せい})、結び付き、関わり合い、関連{かんれん}(性{せい})
- 血縁関係{けつえん かんけい}、続柄{つづきがら/ぞくがら}
- 人間関係{にんげん かんけい}、人との関わり
- 〔性的関係{せいてき かんけい}を含{ふく}む〕恋愛関係{れんあい かんけい}
- 《論理学》関係{かんけい}◆【同】relation
該当件数 : 12220件
relationship abilities
→ relationship ability -
relationship ability
= relationship skills -
relationship action
《コ》関係{かんけい}アクション -
relationship addict
人間関係依存症{にんげん かんけい いそん しょう} -
relationship aggregation
関係集団{かんけい しゅうだん} -
relationship among genes
遺伝子間{いでんし かん}(の)関係{かんけい}
【表現パターン】relationship between [among] genes -
relationship among students
生徒{せいと}[学生{がくせい}]同士{どうし}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship analyses
関係分析{かんけい ぶんせき}◆「分析・解析」の単数形=analysis、複数形=analyses
【表現パターン】relationship analysis [analyses] -
relationship appraisal
関係評価{かんけい ひょうか} -
relationship at home
《a ~》家庭{かてい}での人間関係{にんげん かんけい} -
relationship at work
《a ~》職場{しょくば}での人間関係{にんげん かんけい} -
relationship attribute
関係属性{かんけい ぞくせい} -
relationship based on close military relations
緊密{きんみつ}な軍事協力関係{ぐんじ きょうりょく かんけい} -
relationship based on cooperation
協調{きょうちょう}に基{もと}づいた関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on dependability
《a ~》信頼性{しんらい せい}に基{もと}づいた関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on fear
《a ~》恐怖{きょうふ}に基{もと}づいた[で結ばれた]関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on honesty
《a ~》誠実{せいじつ}さに基{もと}づいた関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on mutual respect
相互{そうご}尊重{そんちょう}[尊敬{そんけい}]に基{もと}づく関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on power
《a ~》権力{けんりょく}に基{もと}づいた関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on respect
尊敬{そんけい}に基{もと}づいた関係{かんけい} -
relationship based on trust
《a ~》信頼{しんらい}(に基{もと}づいた)関係{かんけい} -
relationship based upon close military relations
→ relationship based on close military relations -
relationship based upon cooperation
→ relationship based on cooperation -
relationship based upon dependability
→ relationship based on dependability -
relationship based upon fear
→ relationship based on fear -
relationship based upon honesty
→ relationship based on honesty -
relationship based upon mutual respect
→ relationship based on mutual respect -
relationship based upon power
→ relationship based on power -
relationship based upon respect
→ relationship based on respect -
relationship based upon trust
→ relationship based on trust -
relationship between a boss and a subordinate
《a ~》上司{じょうし}と部下{ぶか}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between a boss and an employee
《a ~》上司{じょうし}と従業員{じゅうぎょういん}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between a business and a customer
《a ~》企業{きぎょう}と顧客{こきゃく}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between a buyer and a seller
《a ~》買い手と売り手の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between a child and his parents
親子関係{おやこかんけい} -
relationship between a company and the public
《a ~》企業{きぎょう}と一般大衆{いっぱん たいしゅう}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between a student and a teacher
生徒{せいと}[学生{がくせい}]と教師{きょうし}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between automobile weight and safety
自動車{じどうしゃ}の重量{じゅうりょう}と安全性{あんぜんせい}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between birth weight and subsequent growth
出生時体重{しゅっしょう/しゅっせい じ たいじゅう}とその後の発育{はついく}[成長{せいちょう}]との関連性{かんれん せい}[相関関係{そうかん かんけい}] -
relationship between bosses and workers
《the ~》上司{じょうし}と部下{ぶか}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between brain size and intelligence
脳{のう}の大きさと知能{ちのう}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between China and Japan
日中関係{にっちゅう かんけい} -
relationship between china and the United States
米中関係{べい ちゅう かんけい} -
relationship between contribution and benefit
応益関係{おうえき かんけい} -
relationship between costs and benefits
負担{ふたん}と給付{きゅうふ}の関係{かんけい} -
relationship between creditors and debtors
【表現パターン】relations [relationship] between creditors and debtors -
relationship between different factors
さまざまな要素{ようそ}の関連性{かんれん せい} -
relationship between dose and blood level
用量{ようりょう}と血中濃度間{けっちゅう のうど かん}の関係{かんけい}
* データの転載は禁じられています。