prideの検索結果 |
405件 検索結果一覧を見る |
pride の変化形 | prides , priding , prided |
prideを含む | take pride in / pride oneself on / swallow one's pride |
pride の意味・使い方・読み方
【名】- 誇{ほこ}り、自慢{じまん}(の種)
- プライド、自尊心{じそんしん}
・His pride got in the way ^of asking [and he couldn't ask] for help. : プライドが邪魔{じゃま}をして、彼は助けを求めることができませんでした。
・I have my pride. : 私にだってプライドはあります。 - うぬぼれ、尊大{そんだい}、高慢{こうまん}、横柄{おうへい}
- 《the ~》全盛{ぜんせい}(期{き})
- 〔ライオンなどの〕群れ、一集団{いち しゅうだん}
- 自慢{じまん}する◆【用法】pride oneself on
該当件数 : 405件
【人名】- プライド
【略】- =National Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education
麻薬教育に関する全米保護者情報協会 -
pride and joy
- 自慢{じまん}の種
- 〈英〉男の子◆boyの押韻俗語{おういん ぞくご}
pride and prejudice
自負{じふ}と偏見{へんけん} -
Pride and Prejudice
【映画】- 高慢と偏見◆米1942年《監督》ロバート・Z・レオナード《出演》グリア・ガーソン、ローレンス・オリヴィエ
- 高慢と偏見◆米1995年《監督》サイモン・ラングトン《出演》コリン・ファース、ジェニファー・エール◆BBCがテレビ放映用に製作したもの。
【著作】- 高慢{こうまん}と偏見{へんけん}/自負{じふ}と偏見{へんけん}◆英1813年《著》ジェーン・オースティン(Jane Austen)◆ベネット家の5人姉妹の結婚を巡る物語。『高慢と偏見』が一般的な定訳だが、中野好夫の訳書では『自負と偏見』。
pride as a man
《one's ~》男の意地{いじ} -
pride as a mother
母(親)としての誇{ほこ}り -
pride as an artist
アーティストとしての誇{ほこ}り -
Pride, Charley
【人名】- = Charley Pride
pride does not let
・My pride doesn't let me do so. : そんなことをするのは、私のプライドが許{ゆる}さない。 -
pride herself on
→ pride oneself on -
pride herself on being a free thinker
→ pride oneself on being a free thinker -
pride herself on being independent
→ pride oneself on being independent -
pride herself on being strong
→ pride oneself on being strong -
pride herself on his willingness to
→ pride oneself on his willingness to -
pride herself on livability
→ pride oneself on livability -
pride herself on one's ability to
→ pride oneself on one's ability to -
pride herself on one's expertise on
→ pride oneself on one's expertise on -
pride herself on one's success
→ pride oneself on one's success -
pride herself on the fact that
→ pride oneself on the fact that -
pride himself on
→ pride oneself on -
pride himself on being a free thinker
→ pride oneself on being a free thinker -
pride himself on being independent
→ pride oneself on being independent -
pride himself on being strong
→ pride oneself on being strong -
pride himself on his willingness to
→ pride oneself on his willingness to -
pride himself on livability
→ pride oneself on livability -
pride himself on one's ability to
→ pride oneself on one's ability to -
pride himself on one's expertise on
→ pride oneself on one's expertise on -
pride himself on one's success
→ pride oneself on one's success -
pride himself on the fact that
→ pride oneself on the fact that -
pride in individual accomplishment
個人{こじん}の業績{ぎょうせき}に対する誇{ほこ}り -
pride in one's achievements
自負心{じふしん} -
pride in one's work
職業的{しょくぎょう てき}な誇{ほこ}り -
Pride Month
プライド月間{げっかん}◆LGBTQ(性的少数者{せいてき しょうすう しゃ})の文化{ぶんか}や法的{ほうてき}・社会的権利{しゃかい てき けんり}への支持示すさまざまなイベントが世界各国{せかい かっこく}で行われる時期{じき}(毎年{まいとし/まいねん}6月)。 -
pride myself on
→ pride oneself on -
pride myself on being a free thinker
→ pride oneself on being a free thinker -
pride myself on being independent
→ pride oneself on being independent -
pride myself on being strong
→ pride oneself on being strong -
pride myself on his willingness to
→ pride oneself on his willingness to -
pride myself on livability
→ pride oneself on livability -
pride myself on one's ability to
→ pride oneself on one's ability to -
pride myself on one's expertise on
→ pride oneself on one's expertise on -
pride myself on one's success
→ pride oneself on one's success -
pride myself on the fact that
→ pride oneself on the fact that -
pride of a company
《the ~》会社{かいしゃ}[企業{きぎょう}]の誇{ほこ}り、会社{かいしゃ}[企業{きぎょう}]が自慢{じまん}[誇{ほこ}り]に思っている物[事・部分{ぶぶん}] -
pride of a nation
《the ~》国の誇{ほこ}り[が誇{ほこ}るもの] -
pride of Barbados
《植物》オオゴチョウ◆西インド諸島原産{しょとう げんさん}のマメ科の常緑低木{じょうりょく ていぼく} -
pride of Burma
《植物》ヨウラクボク◆【学名】Amherstia nobilis -
pride of De Kaap
《植物》バウヒニア・ガルピニー◆【学名】Bauhinia galpinii
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