mind youの検索結果 |
44件 検索結果一覧を見る |
mind you の意味・使い方・読み方
mind you
・Mind you, keep your promise. : 約束{やくそく}を守りなさい。
・Yeah, I like her. Mind you, I don't mean I love her. : ああ、彼女{かのじょ}のこと好きだよ。でも愛しているわけじゃない。
・Mind you, I had a pretty bad experience when I was going out with my first boyfriend. : でも私だって初めての彼氏{かれし}と付き合った時苦い経験{けいけん}をしたのよ。
mind youを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 44件
《植物》ソレイロリア◆ヨーロッパ、コルシカ地方原産{ちほう げんさん}のイラクサ科の植物{しょくぶつ}。細い枝{えだ}に2~3ミリの小さな葉をたくさんつける。◆【学名】Soleirolia soleirolii -
keep one's mind young
精神{せいしん}の若{わか}さを保{たも}つ、若々{わかわか}しい気持{きも}ちでいる -
hearts-minds of young people
→ hearts and minds of young people -
hearts and minds of young people
若者{わかもの}の心 -
engage the hearts and minds of young people
若者{わかもの}を魅了{みりょう}する[の心を捉{とら}える・の心を引き付ける] -
win the hearts and minds of young people
若者{わかもの}の心をつかむ -
never you mind
= never mind -
if you don't mind
・I have a suggestion, if you don't mind. : 差し支えなければ提案{ていあん}があるんだけど。
・I'd like to talk to you if you don't mind. : もし良かったら話したいんだけど。
・Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to go home. : では、よろしければもう帰りたいのですが。
・So, if you don't mind, I want you to leave. : だから、良かったらもう、帰ってほしいんだけど。 -
if you don't mind me saying so
そう言って差し支えなければ -
if you don't mind my asking
・What are you doing here, if you don't mind my asking? : ここで何をしてるのですか?お尋{たず}ねしていいのなら。
・If you don't mind my asking, why are you here? : 差し支えなければ、なぜあなたがここにいるのか教えてください。 -
if you don't mind my saying
言わせてもらえば -
if you don't mind my saying so
・I think that's pretty prejudiced, if you don't mind my saying so. : 言わせてもらうと、それって結構{けっこう}な偏見{へんけん}だと思います。
・If you don't mind my saying so, she was a little too fat. : 言わせていただくなら、彼女{かのじょ}はちょっと太り過{す}ぎだよ。 -
if you don't mind telling me
もしお聞きしても差し支えなければ -
if you change your mind
もし気が変わったら、もし心変{こころが}わりしたら -
young mind
《a ~》若{わか}い知性{ちせい}[頭脳{ずのう}]、若々{わかわか}しい精神{せいしん}、若者{わかもの}の心 -
impressionable young mind
《an ~》感化{かんか}されやすい子どもの心 -
put your mind to it
・You're pretty good when you put your mind to it! : やればできるじゃない! -
feed a young mind
若者{わかもの}の知性{ちせい}を養う、若{わか}い精神{せいしん}の糧{かて}となる -
maintain a youthful mind
若{わか}い頭[心]を保{たも}つ[維持{いじ}する] -
young in mind
= young at heart -
corrupt the young, innocent mind
幼{おさな}く純真{じゅんしん}な心に道徳的{どうとく てき}な悪影響{あくえいきょう}を及{およ}ぼす -
attune yourself to someone's mind
→ attune oneself to someone's mind -
attune yourself to the mind of
→ attune oneself to the mind of -
attune yourselves to someone's mind
→ attune oneself to someone's mind -
attune yourselves to the mind of
→ attune oneself to the mind of -
put yourself in the mind of
→ put oneself in the mind of -
put yourself in the mind of one's reader
→ put oneself in the mind of one's reader -
put yourself in the mind of the customer
→ put oneself in the mind of the customer -
put yourselves in the mind of
→ put oneself in the mind of -
put yourselves in the mind of one's reader
→ put oneself in the mind of one's reader -
put yourselves in the mind of the customer
→ put oneself in the mind of the customer -
train yourself to control one's mind
→ train oneself to control one's mind -
train yourselves to control one's mind
→ train oneself to control one's mind -
ask yourself a question in one's mind
→ ask oneself a question in one's mind -
ask yourselves a question in one's mind
→ ask oneself a question in one's mind -
lose yourself in some greater universal mind
→ lose oneself in some greater universal mind -
lose yourselves in some greater universal mind
→ lose oneself in some greater universal mind -
baleful influence on young minds
若者{わかもの}たちの心に与{あた}える悪影響{あくえいきょう} -
see ~ with your mind's eye
心の目で~を見る -
devote yourself single-mindedly to
→ devote oneself single-mindedly to -
devote yourselves single-mindedly to
→ devote oneself single-mindedly to -
free yourself from the traditional mindset
→ free oneself from the traditional mindset -
free yourselves from the traditional mindset
→ free oneself from the traditional mindset