indeedの検索結果 |
46件 検索結果一覧を見る |
indeed の意味・使い方・読み方
【副】- 実に、本当{ほんとう}に、確{たし}かに、いかにも、実際{じっさい}に[は]、全く
・Global warming is happening indeed. : 地球温暖化は確{たし}かに起きている。
・It was indeed a very special moment when he received the award. : 彼が受賞{じゅしょう}した瞬間{しゅんかん}は、本当{ほんとう}に特別{とくべつ}なひとときでした。
・She is indeed a reliable manager. : 彼女は、本当{ほんとう}に頼{たよ}りがいのある経営者{けいえいしゃ}です。
・She was indeed as beautiful as everyone said she was. : みんなが言っていたように、彼女{かのじょ}は確{たし}かに美しかった。
該当件数 : 46件
indeed ~, but
確{たし}かに[なるほど]~だが -
indeed a case in point
《be ~》まさにぴったりの例である -
indeed a great loss to
《be ~》(人)にとって実に大きな痛手{いたで}である -
indeed a lovely time of year
本当{ほんとう}にすてきな季節{きせつ} -
indeed a woman of God
《be ~》真の神の花嫁{はなよめ}[に神に人生{じんせい}をささげた女性{じょせい}]である -
indeed disgusting
実に不愉快{ふゆかい}な -
indeed extraordinary
《be ~》並大抵{なみたいてい}のものではない -
indeed feel real spiritual truth
真の霊的真理{れいてき しんり}を実際{じっさい}に感じる -
indeed humble and grateful for
《be ~》~に心から感謝{かんしゃ}する -
indeed most helpful
《be ~》〔主語の〕力添{ちからぞ}えは何よりもありがたい -
indeed regrettable
実に悔{く}やまれる[残念{ざんねん}だ] -
indeed ring true
まさにそのとおりである -
indeed see real spiritual truth
真の霊的真理{れいてき しんり}を実際{じっさい}に見る -
indeed truly deplorable
《be ~》極めて遺憾{いかん}である -
conditions indeed seems to be
実際{じっさい}~のような状況{じょうきょう}になってきたようだ -
flattered indeed by someone's kind invitation to
《be ~》~するよう(人)に招{まね}かれ大変光栄{たいへん こうえい}に思う -
gratified indeed if
《be ~》もし~なら非常{ひじょう}にありがたく思う -
it's indeed a pleasure for me to
→ it is indeed a pleasure for me to -
it's indeed an honor for someone to
→ it is indeed an honor for someone to -
it's indeed disappointing that
→ it is indeed disappointing that|it is indeed unfortunate that
【表現パターン】it's indeed disappointing [unfortunate] that -
it's indeed gratifying to know that
→ it is indeed gratifying to know that -
it's indeed gratifying to receive the news that
→ it is indeed gratifying to receive the news that -
it's indeed unfortunate that
→ it is indeed disappointing that|it is indeed unfortunate that
【表現パターン】it's indeed disappointing [unfortunate] that -
pleased indeed to recommend someone for the position of
《be ~》~の職{しょく}に(人)を推薦{すいせん}できることを真にうれしく思う -
sorry indeed not to see someone during one's brief trip to
《be ~》~への短期滞在中{たんき たいざい ちゅう}に(人)に会えず本当{ほんとう}に残念{ざんねん}に思う
【表現パターン】sorry indeed not to see someone on [during] one's brief trip to -
Yes, indeed
はいそうです、まさにそのとおりです -
feel sorry indeed to have missed
(人)がいないのでとても寂{さび}しい気持{きも}ちだ -
it is indeed a pleasure for me to
~できることを大変{たいへん}うれしく存{ぞん}じます -
it is indeed an honor for someone to
~できることは(人)にとって大変光栄{たいへん こうえい}なことです -
it is indeed an honour for someone to
〈英〉→ it is indeed an honor for someone to -
it is indeed disappointing that
【表現パターン】it is indeed disappointing [unfortunate] that -
it is indeed gratifying to know that
〔that以下〕ということを知り大変{たいへん}うれしく存{ぞん}じます -
it is indeed gratifying to receive the news that
〔that以下〕との報{ほう}に接{せっ}し喜{よろこ}びに堪{た}えません -
it is indeed unfortunate that
【表現パターン】it is indeed disappointing [unfortunate] that -
very pleased indeed to learn of someone's appointment as
《be ~》(人)が~に任命{にんめい}されたことを[就任{しゅうにん}と]知って本当{ほんとう}にうれしく思う[喜{よろこ}ばしい限りだ] -
if someone is indeed going to
(人)が本当{ほんとう}に[本気{ほんき}で]~するつもりなら -
in a very weak position indeed
《be ~》実は非常{ひじょう}に弱い立場{たちば}にある -
live a long fine life indeed
実に長くて素晴{すば}らしい人生{じんせい}[生涯{しょうがい}]を送る -
it's a great pleasure and honor indeed to
→ it is a great pleasure and honor to|it is a great pleasure and honor indeed to
【表現パターン】it's a great pleasure and honor (indeed) to -
it is a great pleasure and honor indeed to
【表現パターン】it is a great pleasure and honor (indeed) to -
it is a great pleasure and honour indeed to
〈英〉→ it is a great pleasure and honor to|it is a great pleasure and honor indeed to
【表現パターン】it is a great pleasure and honour (indeed) to -
feel that the honor is very well deserved indeed
【表現パターン】feel that the honor is very well deserved (indeed) -
feel that the honour is very well deserved indeed
〈英〉→ feel that the honor is very well deserved|feel that the honor is very well deserved indeed
【表現パターン】feel that the honour is very well deserved (indeed) -
【副】- 〈話〉=indeed◆おどけた言い方として使われることが多い。