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in the leadの検索結果

313 検索結果一覧を見る

in the lead の意味・使い方・読み方

  • in the lead


in the leadを含む検索結果一覧

該当件数 : 313件
  • in the lead at the end of the 1st __ kms

    in the lead at the end of the first __ kms
  • in the lead at the end of the first __ kms

  • in the lead in the opinion polls

    世論調査{せろん ちょうさ}ではリードしている
  • in the lead up to

  • put someone in the lead in the race for

  • with ~ in the lead

  • in the sense that the __ lead characters are women

  • perform in the film as the female lead

  • come on in the __th inning to protect a __-run lead

  • finish in a tie for the ~ division lead

  • surge into the lead

    突然首位{とつぜん しゅい}に躍{おど}り出る
  • get the start in the leadoff spot

    先発出場{せんぱつ しゅつじょう}する
  • in the debate leading up to

  • in the months leading to someone's death

  • in the months leading up to the deal

  • in the period leading to Second World War

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}に到る時期{じき}
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the period leading to World War IIin the period leading to World War Second
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the period leading to World War II

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}に到る時期{じき}
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the period leading to World War Second

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}に到る時期{じき}
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the period leading to World War IIin the period leading to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the period leading to WW II

    in the period leading to World War IIin the period leading to World War Secondin the period leading to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WW II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the period leading to WWII

    in the period leading to World War IIin the period leading to World War Secondin the period leading to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the period leading to WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the weeks leading up to the event

  • in the years leading up to Second World War

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}(が始まる)前の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the years before World War IIin the years before World War Secondin the years before Second World Warin the years prior to World War IIin the years prior to World War Secondin the years prior to Second World Warin the years preceding World War IIin the years preceding World War Secondin the years preceding Second World Warin the years leading up to World War IIin the years leading up to World War Second
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years leading up to World War II

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}(が始まる)前の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years leading up to World War Second

    第2次世界大戦{じ せかい たいせん}(が始まる)前の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the years before World War IIin the years before World War Secondin the years before Second World Warin the years prior to World War IIin the years prior to World War Secondin the years prior to Second World Warin the years preceding World War IIin the years preceding World War Secondin the years preceding Second World Warin the years leading up to World War IIin the years leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years leading up to WW II

    in the years before World War IIin the years before World War Secondin the years before Second World Warin the years prior to World War IIin the years prior to World War Secondin the years prior to Second World Warin the years preceding World War IIin the years preceding World War Secondin the years preceding Second World Warin the years leading up to World War IIin the years leading up to World War Secondin the years leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years leading up to WWII

    in the years before World War IIin the years before World War Secondin the years before Second World Warin the years prior to World War IIin the years prior to World War Secondin the years prior to Second World Warin the years preceding World War IIin the years preceding World War Secondin the years preceding Second World Warin the years leading up to World War IIin the years leading up to World War Secondin the years leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years before [prior to, preceding, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • reshuffle in the party leadership

    党指導部{とう しどうぶ}の入れ替{か}
  • rival candidate in the party's leadership election

    《a ~》党代表選挙{とう だいひょう せんきょ}の対抗馬{たいこうば}[ライバル候補者{こうほしゃ}
  • increase blood pressure in the vessels leading from the lungs to the heart

  • in the years immediately leading up to Second World War

    第2次世界大戦直前{じ せかい たいせん ちょくぜん}の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the years immediately before World War IIin the years immediately before World War Secondin the years immediately before Second World Warin the years immediately preceding World War IIin the years immediately preceding World War Secondin the years immediately preceding Second World Warin the years immediately prior to World War IIin the years immediately prior to World War Secondin the years immediately prior to Second World Warin the years immediately leading up to World War IIin the years immediately leading up to World War Second
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years immediately leading up to World War II

    第2次世界大戦直前{じ せかい たいせん ちょくぜん}の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years immediately leading up to World War Second

    第2次世界大戦直前{じ せかい たいせん ちょくぜん}の数年間{すうねん かん}
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] World War II [World War Second, Second World War]
    in the years immediately before World War IIin the years immediately before World War Secondin the years immediately before Second World Warin the years immediately preceding World War IIin the years immediately preceding World War Secondin the years immediately preceding Second World Warin the years immediately prior to World War IIin the years immediately prior to World War Secondin the years immediately prior to Second World Warin the years immediately leading up to World War IIin the years immediately leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War] ,
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years immediately leading up to WW II

    in the years immediately before World War IIin the years immediately before World War Secondin the years immediately before Second World Warin the years immediately preceding World War IIin the years immediately preceding World War Secondin the years immediately preceding Second World Warin the years immediately prior to World War IIin the years immediately prior to World War Secondin the years immediately prior to Second World Warin the years immediately leading up to World War IIin the years immediately leading up to World War Secondin the years immediately leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WW II [World War Second, Second World War]
  • in the years immediately leading up to WWII

    in the years immediately before World War IIin the years immediately before World War Secondin the years immediately before Second World Warin the years immediately preceding World War IIin the years immediately preceding World War Secondin the years immediately preceding Second World Warin the years immediately prior to World War IIin the years immediately prior to World War Secondin the years immediately prior to Second World Warin the years immediately leading up to World War IIin the years immediately leading up to World War Secondin the years immediately leading up to Second World War
    【表現パターン】in the years immediately before [preceding, prior to, leading up to] WWII [World War Second, Second World War]
  • get in the way of leadership

  • highlight key titles in the field of leadership

    指導力{しどうりょく}[リーダーシップ]に関する書籍{しょせき}の中から代表的{だいひょう てき}な作品{さくひん}を取り上げる[にスポットを当てる]
  • in the absence of strong leadership

    強力{きょうりょく}な統率力{とうそつ りょく}[リーダーシップ]がないので
  • lodge in the small blood vessels leading to the brain

  • regain lost ground in the U.S. image as the world leader

  • in touch with the party leadership

    《be ~》党指導部{とう しどうぶ}と連絡{れんらく}を取っている
  • in the person of the leader

  • invite the leaders of neighboring countries to

    ~に周辺国{しゅうへん こく}の首脳{しゅのう}を招{まね}
  • invite the leaders of neighbouring countries to

    〈英〉→ invite the leaders of neighboring countries to
  • step into the leadership role

  • bring someone into the leadership

  • investigate the research of leading

  • installed as the next leader

    《be ~》次の指導者{しどうしゃ}に就任{しゅうにん}する
  • in-person meeting between the two leaders

    両首脳{りょう しゅのう}の対面{たいめん}[直接{ちょくせつ}・1対1の]会談{かいだん}
    【表現パターン】face-to-face [in-person] meeting between the two leaders
  • Academy Award for best actor in a leading role for the film

    アカデミー主演男優賞{しゅえん だんゆう しょう}
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