in receipt ofの検索結果 |
15件 検索結果一覧を見る |
in receipt of の意味・使い方・読み方
in receipt of
《be ~》~を受け取っている
in receipt ofを含む検索結果一覧
該当件数 : 15件
in receipt of a copy of
《be ~》~の写しを受領{じゅりょう}している -
in receipt of a letter
《be ~》手紙{てがみ}を受け取っている -
in receipt of improper payments
《be ~》不適切{ふてきせつ}[不道徳{ふどうとく}]な報酬{ほうしゅう}を得{え}ている -
in receipt of the goods via
~経由{けいゆ}で商品{しょうひん}を引き取る際{さい} -
in receipt of the notice
《be ~》その知らせ[通知{つうち}]を受けている
・Had I been in receipt of the notice sooner, my response would have been clearer. : 早くその知らせを受けていれば、もっとはっきりした返事{へんじ}を差し上げていたことでしょう。 -
in response to receipt of
~を受け取ると -
involved in the payment or receipt of terrorist funds
《be ~》テロ資金{しきん}の授受{じゅじゅ}に関わる -
expected to pull in $__ in box office receipts by year end
《be ~》年末{ねんまつ}までに_ドルの興行収入{こうぎょう しゅうにゅう}を見込{みこ}まれている -
expected to pull in __ dollars in box office receipts by year end
→ expected to pull in $__ in box office receipts by year end -
acknowledge receipt of ~ in due course
~を受領{じゅりょう}した旨{むね}を遅滞{ちたい}なく知らせる -
constructive receipt of income
推定所得受領学説{すいてい しょとく じゅりょう がくせつ} -
upon receipt of this information
この情報{じょうほう}を受け取り次第{しだい} -
minimise time between receipt and payment of invoices
〈英〉→ minimize time between receipt and payment of invoices -
minimize time between receipt and payment of invoices