fulltimeの検索結果 |
228件 検索結果一覧を見る |
fulltime の意味・使い方・読み方
【副】- → full-time
- → full-time
該当件数 : 228件
【形】- 〔就業{しゅうぎょう}などが〕全時間{ぜん じかん}の、終日{しゅうじつ}の
- 〔就労形態{しゅうろう けいたい}などが〕常勤{じょうきん}の、正規{せいき}の、専任{せんにん}の
- 〔課程{かてい}などが〕全日制{ぜんじつせい}の
- 〔就業{しゅうぎょう}が〕常勤{じょうきん}で、専任{せんにん}で、フルタイムで、常時{じょうじ}
・She's collecting welfare but going to school full-time. : 彼女{かのじょ}は、生活保護{せいかつ ほご}を受け取っているがフルタイムで学校{がっこう}に通っています。
・When are you going to hire me full-time? : いつから常勤{じょうきん}にしてくれるの?
・Do you want to live there full-time? : そこにフルタイムで住みたいの?
・Now, my son lives with me full-time. : 息子{むすこ}は、今、私と一緒{いっしょ}に暮{く}らしています。
・The garage is full-time. : ガレージはいつでも使えます。
・They've asked me to stay full-time. : 常勤{じょうきん}になってと言われました。 -
full time
- 〔勤務{きんむ}の〕全時間制{ぜん じかんせい}
- 〈英〉《スポーツ》試合時間{しあい じかん}の終了{しゅうりょう}
fulltime account
→ full-time account -
fulltime assistance
→ full-time assistance -
fulltime assistant
→ full-time assistant -
fulltime auditor
→ full-time auditor -
fulltime care
→ full-time care -
fulltime clerical position
→ full-time clerical position -
fulltime corporate auditor
→ full-time corporate auditor -
fulltime course
→ full-time course -
fulltime dad
→ full-time dad -
fulltime director
→ full-time director -
fulltime doctor
→ full-time doctor -
fulltime education
→ full-time education -
fulltime employee
→ full-time worker|full-time employee
【表現パターン】fulltime worker [employee] -
fulltime employment
→ full-time employment -
fulltime equivalent
→ full-time equivalent -
fulltime executive
→ full-time executive -
fulltime faculty
→ full-time faculty -
fulltime farmer
→ full-time farmer -
fulltime female worker
→ full-time female worker -
fulltime four wheel drive
→ full-time four wheel drive -
fulltime four-wheel-drive system
→ full-time four-wheel-drive system -
fulltime high school
→ full-time high school -
fulltime homemaker
→ full-time homemaker -
fulltime housewife
→ full-time housewife -
fulltime instructor
→ full-time instructor -
fulltime instructor at the ABC University
→ full-time instructor at the ABC University -
fulltime investigator
→ full-time investigator|full-time researcher
【表現パターン】fulltime investigator [researcher] -
fulltime investor
→ full-time investor -
fulltime job
→ full-time job -
fulltime lecturer
→ full-time lecturer -
fulltime medical doctor
→ full-time medical doctor -
fulltime mom
→ full-time mom -
fulltime mother
→ full-time mother -
fulltime officer
→ full-time officer -
fulltime production
→ full-time production -
fulltime professional career
→ full-time professional career -
fulltime researcher
→ full-time investigator|full-time researcher
【表現パターン】fulltime investigator [researcher] -
fulltime rice farmer
→ full-time rice grower|full-time rice farmer
【表現パターン】fulltime rice grower [farmer] -
fulltime role
→ full-time role -
fulltime RVing
→ full-time RVing -
fulltime service
→ full-time service -
fulltime staff
→ full-time staff -
fulltime student
→ full-time student -
fulltime teacher
→ full-time teacher -
fulltime terminal
→ full-time terminal -
fulltime thinker
→ full-time thinker
* データの転載は禁じられています。