forestallの検索結果 |
39件 検索結果一覧を見る |
forestall の変化形 | forestalls , forestalling , forestalled |
forestall の意味・使い方・読み方
【他動】- 〔~の〕発生{はっせい}を防{ふせ}ぐ、〔~を〕未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ、〔~の〕機先{きせん}を制{せい}する◆【類】prevent ; stave off
- 〈文〉〔~を〕見越{みこ}す、〔~を〕予想{よそう}する
- 〔~を事前{じぜん}に買い占{し}めて〕市場{しじょう}に出回{でまわ}らないようにする
該当件数 : 39件
forestall a brain drain
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] a brain drain -
forestall a conspiracy
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] a plot [conspiracy] -
forestall a crisis
危機{きき}[重大局面{じゅうだい きょくめん}]を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ[が起こらないようにする]
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt, obviate] a crisis -
forestall a crisis situation
危機的状況{きき てき じょうきょう}を避{さ}ける[回避{かいひ}する]
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] a crisis situation -
forestall a debt crisis
債務危機{さいむ きき}を防{ふせ}ぐ
【表現パターン】prevent [stave off, forestall] a debt crisis -
forestall a financial crisis
金融危機{きんゆう きき}を避{さ}ける[回避{かいひ}する]
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] a financial crisis -
forestall a full-blown banking crisis
本格的{ほんかく てき}な金融恐慌{きんゆう きょうこう}を避{さ}ける[回避{かいひ}する]
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] a full-blown banking crisis -
forestall a headlong rush into war
戦争{せんそう}に向かってまっしぐらに進むことを防{ふせ}ぐ -
forestall a plot
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] a plot [conspiracy] -
forestall a potential killer
潜在的{せんざい てき}殺人者{さつじんしゃ}[致命的{ちめい てき}な病](が人を殺{ころ}すこと)を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall] a potential killer -
forestall a renewed outbreak of inflation
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, pre-empt] a renewed outbreak of inflation -
forestall a slack season
販売不振{はんばい ふしん}[不景気{ふけいき}]を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ[の先手{せんて}を打つ] -
forestall aging
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] aging -
forestall an attack
【表現パターン】forestall [stave off] an attack -
forestall another round of currency depreciation
次の通貨危機{つうか きき}の機先{きせん}を制{せい}する -
forestall bankruptcy
【表現パターン】forestall [stave off] bankruptcy -
forestall criticism
【表現パターン】pre-empt [forestall, prevent, stave off] criticism
→ pre-empt criticism|prevent criticism|stave off criticism
【表現パターン】preempt [forestall, prevent, stave off] criticism -
forestall diabetes
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] diabetes -
forestall forgetfulness
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] forgetfulness -
forestall further decline
【表現パターン】forestall [stave off] further decline -
forestall global warming
地球温暖化{ちきゅう おんだんか}を防{ふせ}ぐ[防止{ぼうし}する]
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] global warming -
forestall hate crimes
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] hate crimes -
forestall heart failure
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] heart failure -
forestall mold on old books during the rainy season
梅雨{つゆ/ばいう}の間に古書{こしょ}にかびが生えることを未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ -
forestall mould on old books during the rainy season
〈英〉→ forestall mold on old books during the rainy season -
forestall personal bankruptcy
自己破産{じこ はさん}を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ
【表現パターン】forestall [stave off] personal bankruptcy -
forestall respiratory failure
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] respiratory failure -
forestall someone's attempt
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt, obviate] someone's attempt -
forestall system failure
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off] system failure -
forestall takeover
【表現パターン】forestall [stave off] takeover -
forestall terrorism
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] terrorism -
forestall the hiring and promotion of
~の採用{さいよう}・昇進{しょうしん}を防{ふせ}ぐ -
forestall the need for
~の必要性{ひつよう せい}を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] the need for -
forestall the need for military intervention
軍事介入{ぐんじ かいにゅう}の必要性{ひつよう せい}を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] the need for military intervention -
forestall the possibility of
~の可能性{かのう せい}を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ -
forestall the spread of
【表現パターン】prevent [forestall, stave off, pre-empt] the spread of -
effort to forestall global warming
地球温暖化{ちきゅう おんだんか}を未然{みぜん}に防{ふせ}ぐ努力{どりょく} -
manage one's assets to forestall any financial crisis in the future
将来財政的危機{しょうらい ざいせい てき きき}に陥{おちい}らないようにするために資産管理{しさん かんり}をする[行う]