attractの検索結果 |
1292件 検索結果一覧を見る |
attract の変化形 | attracts , attracting , attracted |
attract の意味・使い方・読み方
【他動】- 引く、引き込む、引き付ける
・Gravity attracts the body. : 重力{じゅうりょく}は物体{ぶったい}を引き付ける。
・He was attracted to his new, beautiful classmate. : 彼はその新しい、美しいクラスメートに引き付けられた。 - 魅惑{みわく}する、魅了{みりょう}する
・"What attracted you to this old, run-down car? This doesn't even run!" "Don't give me that! I just wanted something older than myself!" : 「どうしてこんなぼろぼろの車買ったの?これ走りさえもしないじゃないの!」「そんなこと言うなよ!ただ僕より古いものが欲{ほ}しかったんだよ!」
・What kind of guys are you attracted to? : どういうタイプの男性{だんせい}に引かれ[魅力{みりょく}を感じ]ますか? - 呼{よ}び込む、招{まね}く、誘致{ゆうち}する
- 引き付ける、引力{いんりょく}がある
・Unlike charges attract. : 異{こと}なる電荷{でんか}は引き付け合う。 - 魅力{みりょく}がある
- 引く、引き込む、引き付ける
該当件数 : 1292件
attract ~ from __ countries and regions
世界{せかい}_の国[カ国]と地域{ちいき}から~を引き付ける[呼{よ}び込む] -
attract ~ into one's life
~を自分{じぶん}の人生{じんせい}に引き込む[招{まね}き入れる] -
attract ~ to
~を…に引き付ける -
attract $__ in foreign direct investment
海外{かいがい}[外国{がいこく}]から_ドルの直接投資{ちょくせつ とうし}を呼{よ}び込む[誘致{ゆうち}する] -
attract $__ in foreign investment
海外{かいがい}からの投資{とうし}を_ドル集める -
attract $__ in funding
_ドルの資金{しきん}を集める[調達{ちょうたつ}する] -
attract __ dollars in foreign direct investment
→ attract $__ in foreign direct investment -
attract __ dollars in foreign investment
→ attract $__ in foreign investment -
attract __ dollars in funding
→ attract $__ in funding -
attract __ monthly active users
〔主語{しゅご}の〕月間{げっかん}[マンスリー]アクティブユーザー数は_人である -
attract __ overseas visitors
〔主語{しゅご}には〕海外{かいがい}[外国{がいこく}]から_人の人々{ひとびと}[観光客{かんこう きゃく}]が集まる[訪{おとず}れる] -
attract __ participants from __ countries
_カ国から_人の参加者{さんかしゃ}を引き付ける[集める] -
attract __ percent of the vote
→ attract __% of the vote -
attract __ professional visitors
〔主語{しゅご}には〕_人の専門家{せんもんか}が集まる[訪{おとず}れる] -
attract __ times as much attention as
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] __ times as much attention as -
attract __ users in __ countries
_カ国で_人のユーザーを引き付ける[寄{よ}せる] -
attract __% of the vote
_%の票を引き寄{よ}せる -
attract a bad press
マスコミの悪評{あくひょう}を招{まね}く -
attract a bee to honey
蜂{はち}を蜂蜜{はちみつ}に引き寄{よ}せる -
attract a broad support base
広い支持基盤{しじ きばん}を得{え}る -
attract a candidate of someone's caliber
(人)のような能力{のうりょく}[力量{りきりょう}]を持った候補者{こうほしゃ}を引き付ける -
attract a customer away from
~から顧客{こきゃく}を奪{うば}う -
attract a customer to
顧客{こきゃく}を~に呼{よ}び込む[引き付ける] -
attract a different kind of customer
別の[異{こと}なる]種類{しゅるい}の顧客{こきゃく}を引き付ける -
attract a disproportionate amount of
不相応{ふそうおう}[不釣{ふつ}り合い]な数[量]の~を引き付ける[寄{よ}せる] -
attract a fair amount of attention
かなりの注意{ちゅうい}を引き付ける -
attract a following among
(人)の注目{ちゅうもく}を引く[集める] -
attract a great amount of attention
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a great amount of attention -
attract a great deal of acclaim
【表現パターン】gain [achieve, receive, win, garner, attract, earn, get, enjoy, draw, attain] a lot [great deal] of acclaim -
attract a great deal of attention
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of attention -
attract a great deal of attention from
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of attention from -
attract a great deal of attention from the media
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of attention from the media -
attract a great deal of attention in the media
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of attention in the media -
attract a great deal of critical acclaim
【表現パターン】gain [achieve, receive, win, garner, attract, earn, get, enjoy, draw, attain] a lot [great deal] of critical acclaim -
attract a great deal of discussion
多くの議論{ぎろん}を呼{よ}ぶ -
attract a great deal of interest
高い関心{かんしん}を集める、〔主語{しゅご}への〕注目度{ちゅうもく ど}が高い
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of interest -
attract a great deal of press attention
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of press attention -
attract a great deal of public attention
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a lot [great deal] of public attention -
attract a high level of interest
高い関心{かんしん}を呼{よ}ぶ -
attract a huge audience
大観衆{だい かんしゅう}を引き付ける -
attract a huge crowd of spectators
大観衆{だい かんしゅう}を集める[引き付ける] -
attract a key employee
重要{じゅうよう}な社員{しゃいん}を引き付ける -
attract a large attendance
【表現パターン】attract [draw, have] a large attendance -
attract a large audience
大観衆{だい かんしゅう}を引き付ける、大勢{おおぜい}の観客{かんきゃく}を集める、入りが多い -
attract a large crowd
大勢{おおぜい}の人を引き付ける -
attract a large crowd of rock fans
大勢{おおぜい}のロックファンを集める -
attract a large number of people from
~から多く[多数{たすう}]の人々{ひとびと}を引き付ける[呼{よ}び込む] -
attract a listener's attention
【表現パターン】attract [draw, gain, get, raise, receive, garner, capture] a listener's attention -
attract a lot of acclaim
【表現パターン】gain [achieve, receive, win, garner, attract, earn, get, enjoy, draw, attain] a lot [great deal] of acclaim
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